1. Pulse for Elasticsearch and OpenSearch - 重新定義搜索集群監控和維護 ↑ 211 PH Upvotes 15:01 Search Cluster Monitoring & Maintenance, Redefined (pulse.support)
2. ChurnDog - 挽回損失的收入,留住更多客戶 ↑ 203 PH Upvotes 03-25 Recover lost revenue & keep more customers (churndog.com)
3. Break Me 2.0 - 互動網站,讓您放鬆身心,理清思緒。 ↑ 210 PH Upvotes 03-25 Interactive website to relax and clear your mind. (www.breakme.now)
4. IP Portal - 根據自己的條件保護、授權知識產權並實現貨幣化 ↑ 382 PH Upvotes 03-25 Protect, license, and monetize your IP on your own terms (portal.story.foundation)
5. new.email by Resend - 使用自然語言構建跨平臺電子郵件。 ↑ 213 PH Upvotes 03-25 Build cross-platform emails using natural language. (new.email)
6. DeepSeek-V3-0324 - 代碼類似 3.7,但開放源代碼 ↑ 215 PH Upvotes 03-25 Code like 3.7 but open source (huggingface.co)
7. Meilisearch AI - 利用快速混合搜索和語義搜索提高相關性和用戶體驗 ↑ 209 PH Upvotes 03-25 Boost relevance and UX with fast hybrid and semantic search (www.meilisearch.com)
8. Zapier MCP - 用 Zapier MCP 將人工智能連接到任何應用程序 ↑ 203 PH Upvotes 03-25 Connect your AI to any app with Zapier MCP (zapier.com)
9. AI Voices by Asyncflow v1.0 - 優質的人工智能語音質量,卻沒有昂貴的價格。 ↑ 187 PH Upvotes 03-25 Premium AI voice quality without the premium price tag. (podcastle.ai)
10. ツSupercut - 錄製屏幕,即時分享,宛如專業人士 ↑ 156 PH Upvotes 03-25 Record your screen, share instantly, look like a PRO (supercut.video)
12. Jotform Boards - 從人工智能代理對話中生成看板任務等 ↑ 114 PH Upvotes 03-25 Generate kanban tasks from AI agent conversations and more (www.jotform.com)
13. Inferless - 在幾分鐘內部署任何機器學習模型。 ↑ 94 PH Upvotes 03-25 Deploy any machine learning models in minutes. (www.inferless.com)
14. ARize – Shop Anything in AR - 從任何網站或市場查看 AR 中的任何產品 ↑ 103 PH Upvotes 03-24 View Any Product in AR from Any Site or Marketplace (apps.apple.com)
15. Pocketlink - 以人工智能為動力,重塑生物鏈接體驗 ↑ 154 PH Upvotes 03-24 Reimagine your link-in-bio experience, powered by AI (pocketlink.co)
16. BASE44 2.0 - 一體化應用程序構建平臺 ↑ 123 PH Upvotes 03-24 The all-in-one app building platform (base44.com)
17. Interview Code Ace - 終極隱形人工智能面試工具 ↑ 111 PH Upvotes 03-24 The ultimate, invisible AI powered tool for interviews (interview-code-ace.com)
18. TikTok Super Tool - 獲取任何 Tiktok 配置文件的洞察力和分析結果 ↑ 114 PH Upvotes 03-24 Get insights and analytics for any Tiktok profile (chromewebstore.google.com)
19. Searchbirds - 更簡單、無廣告的搜索引擎 ↑ 82 PH Upvotes 03-24 A simpler, ad-free search engine (searchbirds.com)
20. GPT Rules - 使用光標樣式規則,增強人工智能聊天功能 ↑ 65 PH Upvotes 03-24 Supercharge your AI chats with cursor style rules (www.gptrules.com)
21. Flexpoint - 供創作者銷售任何物品的單一店面 ↑ 80 PH Upvotes 03-24 A single storefront for creators to sell anything (flexpoint.store)
22. LiftmyCV - 人工智能代理為您尋找工作並自動申請 ↑ 60 PH Upvotes 03-24 AI agent that finds jobs and auto-applies on your behalf (www.liftmycv.com)
23. intura - 比較、測試和優化人工智能模型 ↑ 60 PH Upvotes 03-24 Compare, test, and optimize AI models (www.intura.co)
24. Krea Video Training - 訓練人工智能按照你的風格製作視頻 ↑ 63 PH Upvotes 03-24 Train AI to create videos in your style (www.krea.ai)
25. Lamatic 2.0 - 在無服務器上構建和部署人工智能代理的 IDE ↑ 66 PH Upvotes 03-24 IDE to build & deploy AI agents on serverless (lamatic.ai)
26. Chromatic AI - 為 TikTok 等創建人工智能 UGC。 ↑ 58 PH Upvotes 03-23 Create AI UGCs for TikTok & more. (www.chromaticlabs.co)
27. Rezume - 讓招聘人員說 "好 "的簡歷 ↑ 61 PH Upvotes 03-23 Resumes That Make Recruiters Say "Yes" (rezume.dev)
28. Roblox Cube 3D - 人工智能驅動的 3D 物體創建 ↑ 155 PH Upvotes 03-22 AI-powered 3D object creation (corp.roblox.com)
29. Dodo Payments - 永不過時的全球支付 ↑ 98 PH Upvotes 03-23 Global Payments That Never Go Extinct (dodopayments.com)
30. Copilot for Gaming - 您的人工智能 Xbox 助手 ↑ 79 PH Upvotes 03-23 Your AI-Powered Xbox Sidekick (news.xbox.com)
31. The "think" tool from Claude - 讓克勞德能夠停下來思考 ↑ 76 PH Upvotes 03-23 Enabling Claude to stop and think (www.anthropic.com)
32. Skywork-R1V - 率先使用 CoT 進行多模態推理 ↑ 58 PH Upvotes 03-23 Pioneering Multimodal Reasoning with CoT (github.com)
33. World's Worst Website - 我使用 Databutton 在 7 天內創建了世界上最差的網站 ↑ 59 PH Upvotes 03-23 i built the world''s worst website in 7 days using Databutton (worldsworstwebsite.lol)
34. StarVector - 從圖像和文本生成 SVG 代碼 ↑ 60 PH Upvotes 03-23 Generate SVG code from images and text (starvector.github.io)
35. Scoutt.it - 面向非前端網絡開發人員的投資組合生成器 ↑ 60 PH Upvotes 03-23 Portfolio builder for non-front-end web developers (dev.scoutt.it)
36. Audio Guide It - 通過身臨其境的人工智能語音導遊,探索地球上的任何地方。 ↑ 95 PH Upvotes 03-22 Explore any place on earth with immersive AI audioguides. (audioguideit.com)
37. In My Pocket - 您的安全個人保險庫,存放一切重要信息 ↑ 88 PH Upvotes 03-22 Your secure personal vault for everything that matters (apps.apple.com)
38. Stealthly for macOS - macOS 屏幕共享的自動隱私保護 ↑ 78 PH Upvotes 03-22 Automated privacy for macOS screen sharing (stealthly.app)
39. Claude Web Search - 克勞德現在可以搜索網絡 ↑ 109 PH Upvotes 03-22 Claude can now search the web (www.anthropic.com)
40. cloudsquid - 利用人工智能從任何文件中即時提取數據 ↑ 73 PH Upvotes 03-21 Instant data extraction from any file with AI (www.cloudsquid.io)
42. AI SuitUp x Teams - 為您的初創公司拍攝 AI 頭像!輕鬆、專業 ↑ 71 PH Upvotes 03-20 AI-headshots for your Start-up! Effortless & professional (www.aisuitup.com)
43. Pacdora - 人工智能背景,打造工作室品質的產品視覺效果 ↑ 82 PH Upvotes 03-20 AI-powered backgrounds for studio-quality product visuals! (www.pacdora.com)
44. Strella Insights 2.0 - 更智能的搜索、更快速的洞察力、可即時分享的剪輯 ↑ 199 PH Upvotes 03-21 Smarter search, faster insights, instant shareable clips (www.strella.io)
45. AI Tools Directory - by Whalesync - 發現最新的人工智能驅動應用程序(1,000 個,且還在不斷增加中) ↑ 197 PH Upvotes 03-21 Discover the newest AI-powered apps (1,000 and growing) (www.whalesync.com)
46. OpenAI GPT-4o Audio Models - 打造功能強大的語音代理 ↑ 201 PH Upvotes 03-21 Build Powerful Voice Agents (openai.com)
47. Supametas.AI - 在幾秒鐘內使任何數據成為 RAG 就緒狀態 ↑ 173 PH Upvotes 03-21 Make any data RAG-ready in seconds (supametas.ai)
48. Second.Me by Me.bot - 首個人工智能網絡(開源) ↑ 190 PH Upvotes 03-21 The first network of AIs (Open Source) (github.com)
49. Tails & Frames - 將寵物錄音轉化為可分享的剪輯和備忘錄 ↑ 175 PH Upvotes 03-21 Turn you pet recordings into shareable clips & memes (www.tailsframes.com)
50. Bloks | True Relationship Intelligence - 客戶信賴您。 您可以信賴 Bloks。 ↑ 157 PH Upvotes 03-20 Clients count on you. You can count on Bloks. (www.bloks.app)
51. Elevenreader by ElevenLabs - 提升聽覺體驗 ↑ 236 PH Upvotes 03-20 Elevate your listening experience (elevenreader.io)
52. Dock: Developer Optimization Content Kit - 人工智能工具提高應用程序的知名度和下載量 ↑ 161 PH Upvotes 03-19 AI-powered tool to boost your app''s visibility and downloads (dock-app.com)
53. Diamond - Graphite 的人工智能代理代碼審查伴侶 ↑ 170 PH Upvotes 03-19 Graphite''s agentic AI-powered code review companion (diamond.graphite.dev)
54. Codegen - 在 Slack 中全天候分析和改進代碼庫的人工智能開發人員 ↑ 180 PH Upvotes 03-19 AI developer that analyzes improves codebase 24/7 in Slack (www.codegen.com)
55. Multi-Agent Builder - 跨工具協作和行動的安全代理 ↑ 209 PH Upvotes 03-20 Secure agents that collaborate and take action across tools (www.credal.ai)
56. Gemini Canvas - 與人工智能互動協作,共同創造 ↑ 206 PH Upvotes 03-20 Interact and Collaborate with AI to Create (gemini.google)
57. RecordAi - WhatsApp 中的好友,可設置提醒事項和事件 ↑ 206 PH Upvotes 03-20 A friend in WhatsApp to set reminders and events (www.recordai.app)
58. Calmer - 一款真正有效的焦慮緩解應用程序 ↑ 205 PH Upvotes 03-20 An anxiety relief app that actually works (gocalmer.com)
59. Notebooks - Your AI Whiteboard - 將 YouTube 視頻、文檔和網站轉化為制勝內容 ↑ 198 PH Upvotes 03-20 Turn YouTube Videos, Docs & Websites Into Content That Wins (notebooks.app)
60. Intelswift AI Agents Marketplace - 如果 Intercom 和 Zendesk 有了孩子 ↑ 192 PH Upvotes 03-20 If Intercom and Zendesk would have a baby (intelswift.com)
61. Epiphany - 將語音筆記轉化為您最喜愛的工具中的即時操作 ↑ 196 PH Upvotes 03-20 Turn voice notes into instant actions in your favorite tools (epiphanyvoice.io)
62. Predibase Reinforcement Fine-Tuning - 提高 LLM 輸出的 LLM 強化微調平臺 ↑ 190 PH Upvotes 03-19 LLM reinforcement fine-tuning platform to improve LLM output (predibase.com)
63. Autodraft AI - 為 YouTube 創建 4K 動畫和自定義角色 ↑ 193 PH Upvotes 03-19 Create 4K animations custom characters for YouTube (autodraft.in)
64. Attention Insight FIGMA Plugin - 即時瞭解用戶行為,優化設計 ↑ 206 PH Upvotes 03-19 Instantly understand user behavior to optimize designs (attentioninsight.com)
65. Meetify - 找到見面的時間和地點Calendly 與 Google 地圖的完美結合。 ↑ 201 PH Upvotes 03-19 Find a time and place to meet. Calendly meets Google Maps. (meetify.com)
66. timeOS 3.0 - 適用於多語言團隊的最通用人工智能代理 ↑ 194 PH Upvotes 03-19 The most versatile AI agent for multi-language teams (www.timeos.ai)
67. Superlines - 在人工智能搜索結果中被發現 ↑ 187 PH Upvotes 03-19 Get discovered in AI search results (www.superlines.io)
68. Tweek - 類似紙張的日曆應用程序,現在有了主題和子任務 ↑ 181 PH Upvotes 03-19 Paper-like calendar app now with themes and sub-tasks (tweek.so)
69. Sider 5.0: Deep Research with Wisebase - 模仿人類研究,將研究結果保存在人工智能知識庫中 ↑ 180 PH Upvotes 03-19 Mimic Human Research & Save Findings in AI Knowledge Base (sider.ai)
70. Vomyra AI – Voice AI Agent - 面向所有人的低代碼、無代碼語音 AI 代理 ↑ 169 PH Upvotes 03-04 A low-code , No-Code Voice AI agents for everyone (vomyra.com)
71. Hugging Face Daily Papers - 使用人工智能搜索或擲骰子 ↑ 169 PH Upvotes 03-18 Search with AI or Roll the Dice (huggingface.co)
72. Jellypod 2.0 - 幾分鐘內創建可視化、可定製的人工智能播客 ↑ 175 PH Upvotes 03-18 Create visual, customizable AI podcasts in minutes (jellypod.ai)
73. Tinybird Forward » - 滿足大數據需求的最快軟件交付方式。 ↑ 184 PH Upvotes 03-18 The fastest way to ship software with big data requirements. (www.tinybird.co)
75. Mistral small 3.1 - 同重量級最佳機型 ↑ 188 PH Upvotes 03-18 The best model in its weight class (mistral.ai)
76. Bucket DX - 使用 CLI、工具欄、事件日誌等功能標誌快速運行 ↑ 173 PH Upvotes 03-18 Feature flags to go fast with CLI, Toolbar, Event log & more (bucket.co)
78. Taskee.pro - 全面免費的團隊多功能任務管理器 ↑ 148 PH Upvotes 03-18 Comprehensive free multifunctional task manager for teams (taskee.pro)
79. Inbox by Novu - 適用於現代產品的開源通知 。 ↑ 149 PH Upvotes 03-18 The open-source notification for modern products. (novu.co)
81. Twos PALs - 人工智能驅動的列表,為您節省時間 ↑ 142 PH Upvotes 03-18 AI-powered lists that save you time (www.twosapp.com)
82. Aha - 全球首個人工智能影響力營銷團隊 ↑ 143 PH Upvotes 03-18 The world''s first AI influencer marketing team (www.aha.inc)
83. Command A - Cohere 面向企業的高性能模型 ↑ 127 PH Upvotes 03-17 Cohere''s most performant model for the enterprise (cohere.com)
84. Klangio - 幾秒鐘內將音樂轉錄為音符 ↑ 141 PH Upvotes 03-17 Transcribe music into notes within seconds (klang.io)
85. Fewsats - 人工智能代理的支付基礎設施 ↑ 158 PH Upvotes 03-17 The payment infrastructure for AI agents (www.fewsats.com)
86. Arcade AI - 利用人工智能快速創建演示 ↑ 80 PH Upvotes 03-17 Create demos quickly with AI (www.arcade.software)
87. Pinning for Mac - 生日倒計時、日曆事件和提醒事項 ↑ 70 PH Upvotes 03-17 Countdown birthdays, calendar events and reminders (pinning.app)
88. Bread Budgeting 2.0 - 幫助管理麵包的可愛預算應用程序 ↑ 70 PH Upvotes 03-17 A cute budgeting app to help manager your bread (apps.apple.com)
89. Prompt Engineering Studio - 在 1600 多個模型中大規模構建、測試和部署人工智能提示信息 ↑ 62 PH Upvotes 03-17 Build, test & deploy AI prompts across 1600 models at scale (portkey.ai)
90. Gov Action List - 跟蹤、監控並隨時瞭解政府行動 ↑ 62 PH Upvotes 03-17 Track, monitor, and stay informed on Government Actions (www.govactionlist.com)
91. IndieMerger - 在幾天內找到您理想中的共同創始人 ↑ 62 PH Upvotes 03-17 Find your ideal co-founder in days (indiemerger.com)
92. BeeDone - 與人工智能代理一起實現目標 ↑ 68 PH Upvotes 03-17 Get hooked on achieving your goals with AI agent (beedone.co)
93. People Search GPT by Redrob - ChatGPT 隨時隨地尋找任何人 ↑ 79 PH Upvotes 03-17 ChatGPT For Finding Anyone, Anywhere (www.redrob.io)
94. TalkMe - 個人人工智能輔導讓語言學習更有趣、更有效 ↑ 96 PH Upvotes 03-17 Personal AI Tutoring Makes Language Learning Fun & Effective (www.talkme.ai)
95. TimeDive - 猜測年份和地點,探索並享受樂趣 ↑ 154 PH Upvotes 03-16 Guess year and place, explore and have fun (apps.apple.com)
96. illustration.app - 幾秒鐘內創建自定義矢量插圖 ↑ 143 PH Upvotes 03-16 Create custom vector illustrations in seconds (www.illustration.app)
98. Piano Widget - 在小工具、鎖屏、動態島彈鋼琴 ↑ 134 PH Upvotes 03-16 Play Piano on Widget, LockScreen, Dynamic Island (apps.apple.com)
100. Naoma - 找到銷售明星的模式並加以推廣 ↑ 156 PH Upvotes 03-16 Find your sales stars’ patterns and scale them (www.naoma.ai)
101. NeuraVid - 利用人工智能搜索功能即時查找和分析視頻 ↑ 161 PH Upvotes 03-15 Find & analyze videos instantly with AI-powered search (www.neuravid.io)
102. CharmBar - Mac Dock 圖標定製應用,個性化你的 MacOS Dock ↑ 128 PH Upvotes 03-14 Mac dock icon customization app, personalize your macOS dock (charmbar.org)
103. Amiry – AI-Powered Smart City Routes - 無需規劃即可遊覽任何城市 ↑ 129 PH Upvotes 03-14 Explore any city without planning (amiry.io)
104. Clickma - 保持 Figma 和 ClickUp 同步 ↑ 131 PH Upvotes 03-14 Keep Figma & ClickUp in sync (clickma.tech)
105. Gemini Robotics - 將人工智能帶入物理世界 ↑ 152 PH Upvotes 03-14 Bringing AI into the Physical World (deepmind.google)
106. Interlify - 在幾分鐘內將您的應用程序接口連接到 LLM ↑ 176 PH Upvotes 03-15 Connect your APIs to LLMs in minutes (www.interlify.com)
108. Gemini Personalization - 獲得專為您提供的幫助 ↑ 168 PH Upvotes 03-15 Get help made just for you (gemini.google)
109. BrowserAgent - 基於瀏覽器的人工智能代理--運行次數不限,費用固定 ↑ 160 PH Upvotes 03-15 Browser-based AI agents - unlimited runs, fixed cost (browseragent.dev)
110. JOOS© - 投資內容創作者,加速他們的成長 ↑ 164 PH Upvotes 03-14 Invest in content creators, accelerate their growth (joos.me)
111. Bettermode - 您的一體化客戶社區平臺 ↑ 172 PH Upvotes 03-14 Your All-in-One Customer Community Platform (go.bettermode.com)
112. Pi - ML 和數據科學工具包;專為軟件工程師打造。 ↑ 175 PH Upvotes 03-14 The ML & Data Science toolkit; built for Software Engineers. (build.withpi.ai)
113. PizzaTime for Microsoft Teams - 用一片披薩向隊友說 "謝謝" ↑ 153 PH Upvotes 03-13 Say "thanks" to your teammates with a slice of pizza (pizza-time.app)
114. AgBr - 適用於 iPhone、iPad 和 Mac 的黑白膠片模擬器 ↑ 196 PH Upvotes 03-14 Black & white film emulator for iPhone, iPad & Mac (www.nuevo.tokyo)
116. agent.ai - 人工智能代理的唯一專業網絡 ↑ 190 PH Upvotes 03-14 The only professional network for AI agents (agent.ai)
118. Yadaphone - 低費率瀏覽器內國際電話 ↑ 167 PH Upvotes 03-13 In-browser international calls at low rates (www.yadaphone.com)
119. Hoop - 無需機器人,每次通話都能完成任務 ↑ 183 PH Upvotes 03-13 Tasks from every call, no bots needed (www.hoop.app)
120. ApertureDB Multimodal AI Workflows - 自動執行多模態數據的常見人工智能任務 ↑ 167 PH Upvotes 03-13 Automate common AI tasks for multimodal data (www.aperturedata.io)
121. The DuckDB Local UI - 使用 DuckDB 輕鬆探索本地數據文件 ↑ 196 PH Upvotes 03-13 Easily explore local data files with DuckDB (github.com)
122. Waitlist.Email - 無限制、無品牌的開發人員電子郵件等待名單 ↑ 199 PH Upvotes 03-13 Unlimited, unbranded email waitlists for developers (www.waitlist.email)
123. Omlet for VS Code - 在 VS 代碼中深入瞭解 React 組件的使用情況 ↑ 179 PH Upvotes 03-12 Get React component usage insights in VS Code (omlet.dev)
124. Break Me - 互動網站,讓您放鬆身心,理清思緒 ↑ 246 PH Upvotes 03-13 Interactive website to relax and clear your mind (breakme.vercel.app)
125. OpenAI Responses API and Agents SDK - 建立代理和工具的新工具 ↑ 188 PH Upvotes 03-12 New tools for building agents and tools (openai.com)
127. Bolt x Figma - 一鍵將 Figma 設計轉化為生產就緒的應用程序。 ↑ 193 PH Upvotes 03-13 Turn Figma designs into production-ready apps in one click. (bolt.new)
128. Eddie AI 2.0 - 實際製作視頻的助理編輯 ↑ 197 PH Upvotes 03-13 The assistant editor for people that actually create video (www.heyeddie.ai)
129. Zencoder - 集成、可定製和直觀的編碼代理 ↑ 178 PH Upvotes 03-13 Integrated, customizable, and intuitive coding agent (zencoder.ai)
131. Superwall - 構建和測試移動應用付費牆,無需發送更新 ↑ 254 PH Upvotes 03-12 Build & test mobile app paywalls without shipping updates (superwall.com)
132. OG PM Agent: Beta Release - 您的人工智能產品經理 ↑ 266 PH Upvotes 03-12 Your AI Product Manager (pm.opengig.work)
133. Sherloq - 直接在編輯器上為所有 SQL 創建一個位置 ↑ 241 PH Upvotes 03-12 Create one place for all your SQL, directly on your editor (www.sherloqdata.io)
134. Numeral - 每月在銷售稅合規方面花費的時間少於 5 分鐘 ↑ 229 PH Upvotes 03-12 Spend less than 5 minutes per month on sales tax compliance (www.numeralhq.com)
135. Cuckoo - 為全球團隊提供實時人工智能翻譯 ↑ 207 PH Upvotes 03-12 Real-time AI translator for global teams (www.cuckoo.so)
136. No Cap - 全球首個人工智能天使投資人 ↑ 200 PH Upvotes 03-12 World''s first AI angel investor (www.linkedin.com)
137. Wispr Flow for Windows - 文字轉語音功能在 PC 和 Mac 上的運行速度提高了 3 倍 ↑ 173 PH Upvotes 03-12 Text-to-speech that is now 3x faster on PC & Mac (wisprflow.ai)
138. Selene 1 - 使用最準確的 LLM 評判器評估您的人工智能應用程序 ↑ 197 PH Upvotes 03-11 Evaluate your AI app with the most accurate LLM Judge (www.atla-ai.com)
139. Reworkd - 使用人工智能抓取數百個獨特的網站 ↑ 226 PH Upvotes 03-11 Scrape 100s of unique websites using AI (www.reworkd.ai)
140. Mantle - 面向現代創始人的人工智能原生上限表管理 ↑ 210 PH Upvotes 03-11 AI-native cap table management for modern founders (withmantle.com)
141. Embra - 使用人工智能代理統一工作 - 會議、客戶關係管理、研究和電子郵件 ↑ 200 PH Upvotes 03-11 Unify work with AI agents - meetings, CRM, research & email (www.embra.ai)
142. LinktoDM - 在幾秒鐘內自動發送 Instagram DMs ↑ 179 PH Upvotes 03-11 Automate your Instagram DMs in seconds (linktodm.com)
143. Eraser AI - 可自行更新的代碼庫圖表 ↑ 158 PH Upvotes 03-11 Codebase diagrams that update themselves (www.eraser.io)
144. IKI.AI 2.0 - 法律碩士--專業知識的原生空間 ↑ 156 PH Upvotes 03-11 LLM-native space for professional knowledge (iki.ai)
145. Skarbe - 無需 CRM 的主動銷售引擎 ↑ 163 PH Upvotes 03-11 The pro-active sales engine that is CRM-free (skarbe.com)
146. RagaAI Catalyst - 觀察、評估和調試人工智能代理 ↑ 171 PH Upvotes 03-11 Observe, evaluate and debug AI agents (raga.ai)
147. Fluently: AI English coach - 開始說英語和母語 ↑ 196 PH Upvotes 03-11 Start speaking English as well as your native language (getfluently.app)
150. Blooper - 通過一體化服務簡化預生產流程。 ↑ 169 PH Upvotes 03-10 Streamline pre-production process with all-in-one service. (blooper.ai)
151. Symvol - 在一分鐘內將書面內容製作成清晰、令人難忘的視頻 ↑ 159 PH Upvotes 03-10 Clear, memorable video from your written content in a minute (www.symvol.io)
152. Orango AI - 在產品中加入人工智能代理,提高用戶激活率 ↑ 148 PH Upvotes 03-10 Increase user activation with an AI Agent in your product (orango.ai)
153. Flowtest.ai - 首個用於深度網站監控的人工智能代理 ↑ 145 PH Upvotes 03-10 First AI agent for deep website monitoring (flowtest.ai)
154. Digits AI Accounting - 通過智能會計做出自信決策 ↑ 131 PH Upvotes 03-10 Make confident decisions with smart accounting (digits.com)
155. BannsAi - 人工智能驅動的超棒橫幅。無提示,無版權! ↑ 142 PH Upvotes 03-10 AI-powered, awesome banners. No prompts, copyright-free! (banns.ai)
156. AI Traffic Analytics - ChatGPT 每天都會訪問您的網站。跟蹤並優化它。 ↑ 107 PH Upvotes 03-10 ChatGPT visits your website daily. Track & optimize for it. (writesonic.com)
157. TheySaid 2.0 - 對話式人工智能調查、訪談、用戶測試、投票 ↑ 113 PH Upvotes 03-10 Conversational AI surveys, interviews, user tests, polls (www.theysaid.io)
158. WoolyAI Acceleration Service - 使用 GPU 核心和內存資源計費的 GPU 服務 ↑ 116 PH Upvotes 03-09 GPU service with GPU core and memory resources used billing (woolyai.com)
159. DockFix Community Docks - 從 DockFix 社區中發現、分享和獲得靈感。 ↑ 123 PH Upvotes 03-09 Discover, share, and get inspired by the DockFix community. (www.dockfix.app)
160. Colossal - 只需一次獲取,即可輕鬆整合使用工具的代理 ↑ 139 PH Upvotes 03-09 Effortlessly integrate tool-using agents with a single fetch (www.colossalhq.com)
161. HunyuanVideo-I2V - 利用 LoRA 實現高分辨率圖像到視頻 ↑ 139 PH Upvotes 03-09 High-Res Image-to-Video with LoRA (github.com)
162. Aya Vision - 來自 Cohere 的多語言、多模態人工智能 ↑ 145 PH Upvotes 03-09 Multilingual, Multimodal AI from Cohere (cohere.com)
163. Scaloom - 高轉化率冷門郵件的人工智能工具 ↑ 164 PH Upvotes 03-09 AI tool for high-conversion cold emails (scaloom.com)
164. Streak Hunter - 絕不錯過任何一天的產品搜索 ↑ 169 PH Upvotes 03-09 Never miss a day on product hunt (www.streakhunter.com)
165. Magicam - 任何信息流或會議的實時人臉交換 ↑ 158 PH Upvotes 03-09 Real time face swapping for any stream or meeting (magicam.ai)
166. Unreal Speech - 快速且經濟實惠的文本到語音 API ↑ 161 PH Upvotes 03-09 Fast & Affordable Text-to-Speech API (unrealspeech.com)
167. LaiXi - 一臺臺式機,數百部電話,批量簡化! ↑ 161 PH Upvotes 03-09 One desktop, hundreds of phones, batch simplified! (www.laixi.app)
168. Lanceboard - 人工智能時代的自由職業平臺--我們幫您完成待辦事項。 ↑ 147 PH Upvotes 03-09 The freelance platform of AI era-We get your todo list done. (lanceboard.com)
169. SavedTabs - 更好的新標籤頁和起始頁 Chrome 瀏覽器擴展 ↑ 152 PH Upvotes 03-08 A better new tab and start page Chrome Extension (chromewebstore.google.com)
170. Guestlense - 用 QR 碼收集直觀的婚禮照片和視頻 ↑ 169 PH Upvotes 03-08 Collect candid wedding photos and videos with QR codes (www.guestlense.com)
171. VVK - 用人工智能在終端生成 shell 命令 ↑ 138 PH Upvotes 03-07 Generate shell commands in your terminal with AI (www.vvk.ai)
172. Hedra Studio and Character-3 - 新一代人工智能原生視頻創作 ↑ 155 PH Upvotes 03-07 A new generation of AI-native video creation (www.hedra.com)
174. Bonfire Journey - 第一款與您共同成長的金融應用程序 ↑ 197 PH Upvotes 03-08 The first financial app that grows with you (bonfirejourney.ca)
175. DitLead - 冷電子郵件、Linkedin 和冷電話推廣自動化 ↑ 188 PH Upvotes 03-08 Cold Email, Linkedin and Cold Call Outreach Automation (ditlead.com)
176. Balloon - 針對便秘女性的腸道健康應用程序 ↑ 181 PH Upvotes 03-08 Gut health app for women with constipation (balloonguthealth.com)
178. ResumeUp 2.0 - 通過聊天,在幾分鐘內創建完美的 ATS 簡歷。 ↑ 169 PH Upvotes 03-08 Chat to build your perfect ATS resume in minutes. (resumeup.ai)
179. BashBuddy - 使用自然語言編寫 bash 命令,完全本地化。 ↑ 158 PH Upvotes 03-07 Write bash commands with natural language, fully local. (bashbuddy.run)
180. World Chat - 連接世界網絡上的真人並向其匯款 ↑ 170 PH Upvotes 03-07 Connect and send money to real humans on world network (world.org)
181. RightNow AI - 在數秒內配置和優化 CUDA 代碼 ↑ 180 PH Upvotes 03-07 Profile and optimize CUDA code in seconds (www.rightnowai.co)
182. Toolable.ai - 生成和共享自己的人工智能工具 ↑ 182 PH Upvotes 03-07 Generate & share your own AI tools (toolable.ai)
183. QwQ-32B - 與 R1 的推理相匹配,但體積縮小了 20 倍 ↑ 188 PH Upvotes 03-07 Matching R1 reasoning yet 20x smaller (huggingface.co)
184. Quire Document - 在項目管理中釋放文檔的力量 ↑ 156 PH Upvotes 03-06 Unleashing the Power of Document in Project Management (quire.io)
185. Docwelo - 在一分鐘內起草 NDA、服務協議及更多內容 ↑ 176 PH Upvotes 03-06 Craft NDAs, service agreements, and more in under a minute (docwelo.com)
186. Lynx - 增強網絡社區跨平臺建設的能力 ↑ 223 PH Upvotes 03-07 Empower the web community to build across platforms (lynxjs.org)
188. gum.new - 為 Gumroad 產品創建超定製登陸頁面 ↑ 206 PH Upvotes 03-07 Create ultra-customizable landing pages for Gumroad products (gum.new)
189. Mistral OCR - 介紹世界上最好的文檔理解 API ↑ 208 PH Upvotes 03-07 Introducing the world’s best document understanding API (mistral.ai)
190. Venice - 私密且未經審查的人工智能,解鎖無限智能 ↑ 207 PH Upvotes 03-07 Private and Uncensored AI, Unlock infinite intelligence (venice.ai)
191. NerdyNotes - 面向開發人員的 Markdown 筆記應用程序 ↑ 191 PH Upvotes 03-06 Markdown note taking app for developers (nerdynotes.app)
192. Pawsible - 連接附近的寵物家長,共同提供寵物託管服務 ↑ 203 PH Upvotes 03-06 Connecting pet parents nearby for mutual pet-sitting (pawsible.io)
194. Slack Huddle API by Recall.ai - 對 Slack Huddle 數據的程序化訪問 ↑ 219 PH Upvotes 03-06 Programmatic access to Slack Huddle data (docs.recall.ai)
197. Colab Agent - 從數據到見解 ↑ 200 PH Upvotes 03-06 Go from data to insights (developers.googleblog.com)
198. Perigon - 具有實時背景、自動信號的人工智能 ↑ 183 PH Upvotes 03-06 AI with real-time context, automated signals (perigon.io)
199. Beyond Presence: Video Agent Platform - 在幾分鐘內建立交互式代理,實現視頻通話自動化 ↑ 182 PH Upvotes 03-06 Build interactive agents in minutes to automate video calls (www.beyondpresence.ai)
200. Fynix - 人工智能驅動的開發,從創意到執行 ↑ 217 PH Upvotes 03-06 AI-powered development, from idea to execution (www.fynix.ai)
201. CustomGPT.ai Researcher - 人工智能文章撰寫員/深入研究您的定製知識 ↑ 177 PH Upvotes 03-05 AI article writer w/ deep research on your custom knowledge (researcher.customgpt.ai)
202. Quotes - 本地優先、原生 Mac 報價管理和重溫應用程序 ↑ 175 PH Upvotes 03-04 Local-first, Mac-native quotes management and revisiting app (thequotes.tools)
203. Latitude Agents - 構建自我完善的人工智能代理 ↑ 197 PH Upvotes 03-05 Build self-improving AI agents (latitude.so)
204. GaliChat AI - 創建和共享自己的人工智能代理 ↑ 196 PH Upvotes 03-05 Create and share your own AI agent (www.galichat.com)
205. Once UI Pro for Next.js - 節省數千小時。發貨速度提高 10 倍。 ↑ 196 PH Upvotes 03-05 Save thousands of hours. Ship 10x faster. (once-ui.com)
206. Macro PDF - 即時理解複雜的文件 ↑ 194 PH Upvotes 03-05 Understand complex papers instantly (pdf.macro.com)
207. Quadratic AI - 唯一具有人工智能、代碼和連接功能的電子表格 ↑ 199 PH Upvotes 03-05 The only spreadsheet with AI, code, and connections (www.quadratichq.com)
208. Scrapeless Deep SerpApi - 引領數據搜索新時代 ↑ 178 PH Upvotes 03-05 Lead the way to the new era of data search (www.scrapeless.com)
209. Know Your Group - 將您的 WhatsApp 群聊打造成一個品牌 ↑ 186 PH Upvotes 03-05 Turn your WhatsApp group chat in to a brand (gokyg.com)
210. Supergrid by Depict - 只需幾秒鐘就能讓 Shopify 店面滾動起來。 ↑ 175 PH Upvotes 03-05 Scroll-stopping Shopify storefronts in seconds. (depict.ai)
211. Lifestack (Web + AI Scheduler) - 首個利用健康數據提高生產力的人工智能日曆 ↑ 177 PH Upvotes 03-05 First AI calendar to use health data for better productivity (lifestack.ai)
212. OpusClip ReframeAnything - 一鍵調整任何視頻大小的最簡單方法。 ↑ 191 PH Upvotes 03-05 The easiest way to resize any video in 1 click. (www.opus.pro)
213. Kive Product Shots - 即時、品牌化的產品視覺效果--由定製的人工智能提供支持。 ↑ 177 PH Upvotes 03-04 Instant, on-brand product visuals – powered by custom AI. (kive.ai)
214. SpeedBump - 打破末日滾動的惱人應用程序 ↑ 185 PH Upvotes 03-04 The intentionally annoying app to break doomscrolling (speedbumpapp.com)
215. Prism - 開發人員生產力的競爭基準 ↑ 186 PH Upvotes 03-04 Competitive benchmarks for developer productivity (www.get-prism.com)
216. Snapdeck beta - 利用人工智能在幾秒鐘內生成演示幻燈片。 ↑ 193 PH Upvotes 03-04 Generate presentation slides in seconds with AI. (www.snapdeck.app)
217. Opera Operator - 認識一下 Opera 的人工智能瀏覽器操作員 ↑ 170 PH Upvotes 03-04 Meet Opera’s AI Browser Operator (blogs.opera.com)
219. Pieces Long-Term Memory Agent - 第一個能記住你所有工作的人工智能 ↑ 166 PH Upvotes 03-04 The first AI that remembers everything you work on (pieces.app)
220. Greta - 想得到,就能做得到! ↑ 160 PH Upvotes 03-04 If you can think it, you can build it! (greta.questera.ai)
221. Unite 6 for macOS - 將任何網站變成 Mac 應用程序 ↑ 155 PH Upvotes 03-03 Turn any website into a Mac app (www.bzgapps.com)
222. l1m.io - 從任何 LLM 獲取結構化數據的最簡單 API ↑ 163 PH Upvotes 03-03 The simplest API to get structured data from any LLM (l1m.io)
224. Comigo - 為多動症患者設計的人工智能生產力副駕駛員 ↑ 170 PH Upvotes 03-03 AI productivity co-pilot for people with ADHD (comigo.ai)
225. SmolVLM2 - 來自 HuggingFace 的史上最小視頻 LM ↑ 168 PH Upvotes 03-03 Smallest Video LM Ever from HuggingFace (huggingface.co)
226. Crosshatch - 在應用程序中開啟超個性化功能 ↑ 171 PH Upvotes 03-03 Turn on hyper-personalization in your app (www.crosshatch.io)
227. Reach - 模擬自己的 LinkedIn 受眾測試內容 ↑ 158 PH Upvotes 03-03 Test content in a simulation of your own LinkedIn audience (societies.io)
228. Producta - 自動解決您的線性或 Jira 工作單 ↑ 152 PH Upvotes 03-03 Automate solving your Linear or Jira tickets (producta.ai)
229. Teamble AI - 提供並獲得 10 倍於以往的反饋,釋放你的潛能 ↑ 161 PH Upvotes 03-03 Give and get 10X better feedback, unlock your potential (teamble.com)
230. Ideogram 2a - 迄今為止最快、最經濟實惠的文本到圖像模式 ↑ 233 PH Upvotes 03-01 Fastest and most affordable text-to-image model to date (ideogram.ai)
232. GitSyncPad - 單擊按鈕即可完成 git 添加、提交、推送等任務 ↑ 156 PH Upvotes 03-02 A single-click button to do tasks like git add, commit, push (www.gitsyncpad.xyz)
233. Findaway Voices by Spotify - ElevenLabs 和 Spotify 讓有聲讀物出版變得輕鬆自如 ↑ 178 PH Upvotes 03-02 ElevenLabs & Spotify make audiobook publishing effortless (www.findawayvoices.com)
234. RenderFit - 零技術基礎,更快製作出令人驚歎的視頻 ↑ 124 PH Upvotes 03-01 Create stunning videos faster, with zero technical skills (renderfit.com)
235. Protoclone - 世界上第一個雙足肌肉骨骼機器人 ↑ 174 PH Upvotes 03-02 The world''s first bipedal, muscuskeletal android (www.clonerobotics.com)
236. Apple News+ Food - 食譜、評論和技巧,一網打盡 ↑ 171 PH Upvotes 03-02 Recipes, reviews, and tips, all in one place (www.apple.com)
237. SMS Verification Service - SMS-Verify.me 安全短信驗證變得簡單 ↑ 174 PH Upvotes 03-02 SMS-Verify.me secure sms verification made simple (sms-verify.me)
238. GrowthTrack AI - 讓您的網站更好、更快、收入更高。 ↑ 165 PH Upvotes 03-02 Make your website better, faster, higher earning. (growthtrack.ai)
239. Flare - 縮短鏈接並重定向到正確的應用程序 ↑ 164 PH Upvotes 03-02 Shorten links and redirect to the right app (www.flareb2b.com)
240. Chikka - 利用智能人工智能語音訪談器發掘用戶洞察力 ↑ 148 PH Upvotes 03-02 Uncover user insights with intelligent AI voice interviewer (chikka.ai)
241. Opine - AI Native Social Media - 創建角色,拍攝視頻,發佈 ↑ 147 PH Upvotes 03-01 Create a character, take a video of yourself, post (www.opine.chat)
242. Polarr AI Color Match - 將任何圖像的外觀添加到您的照片/視頻中 ↑ 147 PH Upvotes 03-01 Get the look from any image to your photo/video (colormatch.polarr.com)
243. Sigma BF - 喚起攝影本質的簡約相機 ↑ 157 PH Upvotes 03-01 Radically simple camera evoking the essence of photography (www.sigma-global.com)
244. Amazon Ocelot - 亞馬遜首款量子計算芯片 ↑ 163 PH Upvotes 03-01 Amazon''s first quantum computing chip (www.aboutamazon.com)
245. Framework Desktop - 用於遊戲和人工智能的模塊化迷你 PC。 ↑ 163 PH Upvotes 03-01 The modular, mini PC for gaming and AI. (frame.work)
246. Nummi - 您的人工智能,您的方式。思考、合作、發展。 ↑ 163 PH Upvotes 02-28 Your AI, Your Way. Think, Collaborate, and Evolve. (chat.nummi.ai)
247. pikr - 在 Notion 中直接接收匯總的時事通訊 ↑ 166 PH Upvotes 02-28 Receive your summarized Newsletters directly in Notion (www.pikr.io)
248. HomeDock OS - 自主託管、管理和控制您的私有云 ↑ 173 PH Upvotes 02-28 Self-host, manage, and take control of your private cloud (www.homedock.cloud)
249. Unsloth - 微調 LLM,速度提高 2 倍,內存減少 80 ↑ 199 PH Upvotes 03-01 Finetune LLMs 2x faster, 80% less memory (unsloth.ai)
250. Guse - 利用人工智能實現工作自動化的最簡單方法 ↑ 205 PH Upvotes 03-01 The easiest way to automate work with AI (www.guse.io)
252. Currents AI - 全天候人工智能社交媒體深度研究 ↑ 194 PH Upvotes 03-01 AI social media deep research 24/7 (www.currents.one)
253. Copilot for Mac - 微軟的 Al 助手 ↑ 195 PH Upvotes 02-28 The Al assistant from Microsoft (apps.apple.com)
254. Pig - 利用人工智能實現 Windows 計算機自動化 ↑ 198 PH Upvotes 02-28 Automate Your Windows Computer with AI (www.pig.dev)
255. ExplainGithub - 將幾個小時的代碼閱讀變成幾分鐘的理解 ↑ 205 PH Upvotes 02-28 Turn hours of code reading into minutes of understanding (explaingithub.com)
256. AirTrack • Flight Price Predictor - 人工智能預測航班價格是降是升 ↑ 187 PH Upvotes 02-27 AI predicts if flight prices will drop or rise (airtrackbot.com)
257. Gym Hero - 健身追蹤的未來--私人、智能、設備上的人工智能 ↑ 191 PH Upvotes 02-27 The future of gym tracking—private, smart, on-device AI (apps.apple.com)
258. zcal - 受 Typeform 啟發的精美日程安排頁面 ↑ 227 PH Upvotes 02-28 Beautiful Typeform-inspired scheduling pages (zcal.co)
260. GPT-4.5 - GPT 系列中最大、最好的聊天模式 ↑ 276 PH Upvotes 02-28 The largest and best model for chat yet in GPT family (openai.com)
261. Promptimize AI - 您在所有人工智能平臺上的個人提示工程師 ↑ 230 PH Upvotes 02-28 Your personal prompt engineer across all AI platforms (www.promptimizeai.com)
263. Continue 1.0 - 創建、共享和使用自定義人工智能代碼助手 ↑ 202 PH Upvotes 02-27 Create, share, and use custom AI code assistants (www.continue.dev)
264. Vagon Teams - 雲工作站的未來:比 Citrix、AWS 和 AVD 更簡單 ↑ 214 PH Upvotes 02-27 Future of cloud workstations: easier than Citrix, AWS & AVD (vagon.io)
265. Vibe Coder - 與人工智能對話,在 VS Code、Cursor 和 Windsurf 中構建產品 ↑ 232 PH Upvotes 02-27 Talk with AI to build products—in VS Code, Cursor, Windsurf (github.com)
266. Monocle - 適用於 macOS 的時尚、現代的窗口調光功能 ↑ 204 PH Upvotes 02-26 A sleek, modern take on window dimming for macOS (monocle.heyiam.dk)
267. Is My CEO A Fraud? - 弄清企業家欺詐的可能性有多大 ↑ 249 PH Upvotes 02-27 Figure out how likely an entrepeneur is to commit fraud (ismyceoafraud.com)
268. Octave TTS - 描述任何人工智能語音並提示其情感傳遞 ↑ 238 PH Upvotes 02-27 Describe any AI voice and prompt its emotional delivery (www.hume.ai)
270. Inkr - 將音頻轉化為文本的速度比你說 "轉錄 "還要快。 ↑ 229 PH Upvotes 02-27 Turn audio into text faster than you can say "transcribe." (inkr.app)
272. Rapport AI-Driven Avatars - 推動對話式人工智能的發展 ↑ 226 PH Upvotes 02-27 Pushing the boundaries of conversational AI (www.rapport.cloud)
273. Deep Review by SciSpace - 負責文獻審查的人工智能聯合科學家 ↑ 213 PH Upvotes 02-27 AI Co-Scientist for Literature Reviews (scispace.com)
275. Gemini Code Assist - 免費提供更快、更智能的代碼 ↑ 218 PH Upvotes 02-26 Code faster and smarter for free (codeassist.google)
277. Forage Mail - 解決電子郵件難題的人工智能。不是另一款郵件應用程序。 ↑ 220 PH Upvotes 02-26 AI that solves email overwhelm. Not another mail app. (foragemail.com)
278. Saywise - 提供職業智慧和建議的 AMA 社區 ↑ 218 PH Upvotes 02-26 AMA community for career wisdom and advice (saywise.com)
279. Steve by Wonder Family - 能為您創建電子商務業務的人工智能 ↑ 211 PH Upvotes 02-26 AI that can create an ecom business for you (www.wonderfamily.com)
280. Pinch - 用於視頻會議的沉浸式實時語音翻譯 ↑ 212 PH Upvotes 02-26 Immersive real-time voice translation for video conferencing (startpinch.com)
281. OpenArt Consistent Characters - 輕鬆創作角色和故事 ↑ 205 PH Upvotes 02-26 Craft your characters and stories with ease (openart.ai)
282. Basalt - 在幾秒鐘內將人工智能集成到您的產品中 ↑ 176 PH Upvotes 02-26 Integrate AI in your product in seconds (www.getbasalt.ai)
283. Forms in Email - 電子郵件中的互動表單可將轉化率提高 3 倍 ↑ 203 PH Upvotes 02-25 Interactive forms in email that increase conversion by 3X (www.mailmodo.com)
284. Zario Screen Time AI - 人工智能讓烤肉從分心變成行動 ↑ 203 PH Upvotes 02-25 Get roasted from distraction to action by AI (www.meetzario.com)
285. DeepTutor - 閱卷助手,深入理解 ↑ 206 PH Upvotes 02-25 Paper reading assistant with DEEPER understanding (deeptutor.knowhiz.us)
286. Hero Stuff - 網上銷售任何產品的最快方法 ↑ 217 PH Upvotes 02-25 The fastest way to sell anything online (apps.apple.com)
287. URnetwork - 告別 VPN,向 P2P 網絡問好 ↑ 199 PH Upvotes 02-25 Say goodbye to your VPN and hello to a P2P powered web (ur.io)
288. Noloco Free - 現在免費,您的業務流程--全在一個平臺上 ↑ 199 PH Upvotes 02-25 Now Free, Your Business Processes—All in One Platform (noloco.io)
289. Deep Lake - AI Knowledge Agent - 深入研究您的多模式數據 ↑ 188 PH Upvotes 02-25 Deep Research on Your Multi-Modal Data (chat.activeloop.ai)
290. Silo Team - 接納開發人員的最快方式 ↑ 180 PH Upvotes 02-25 The fastest way to onboard developers (www.silo.team)
291. Claude Code and Claude 3.7 Sonnet - 我們迄今為止最智能的模型 ↑ 176 PH Upvotes 02-25 Our most intelligent model to date (www.anthropic.com)
292. Permit AI Access Control - 為人工智能應用提供細粒度權限 ↑ 177 PH Upvotes 02-25 Fine-Grained Permissions for AI-Powered Applications (www.permit.io)
293. TestAI - 一鍵完成 1,000 多項人工智能代理自動測試 ↑ 163 PH Upvotes 02-25 1,000 automated tests for AI agents in one click (www.nbulatest.ai)
294. Captiwate - 與網站訪客進行即時呼入視頻通話 ↑ 165 PH Upvotes 02-25 Instant inbound video calls with website visitors (www.captiwate.com)
295. ExploreHere - Android - 無論您身在何處,都能探索 20 多萬個歷史標記! ↑ 159 PH Upvotes 02-24 Explore over 200k historical markers, wherever you are! (www.explorehere.app)
296. SelfDesk for Shopify - 讓客戶在購買後編輯訂單和添加產品 ↑ 165 PH Upvotes 02-24 Let customer make order edits and add products post-purchase (apps.shopify.com)
297. Colosseum Eternal - 全球首個永久黑客馬拉松 ↑ 176 PH Upvotes 02-24 The world''s first perpetual hackathon (www.colosseum.org)
298. Noosphere - 直接從您信任的記者那裡獲取新聞。 ↑ 187 PH Upvotes 02-24 Get news direct from reporters you trust. (www.noosphere.app)
299. Evo 2 - 瞭解基因組的基礎模型 ↑ 185 PH Upvotes 02-24 A foundation model for genomic understanding (blogs.nvidia.com)