5. LinkedIn Saved Posts Manager - 使用 Buyerstage 使用標籤和主題保存和整理帖子 Save and organize posts using tags & topics with Buyerstage (www.buyerstage.io)
7. Rapport Studio - 讓人工智能與您獨特的品牌形象融為一體 Bring AI to life with your unique branding (www.rapport.cloud)
9. NewsBang - 除 TikTok 之外的人工智能新聞與見解 APP The AI News&Insights APP, Apart from TikTok (www.newsbang.com)
10. JoggAI 2.0: AI Avatar Generator - 根據文字提示創建栩栩如生的個性化人工智能頭像 Create lifelike, personalized AI avatars from text prompts (www.jogg.ai)
14. Duory - 使用動態語言筆記進行學習、練習和反思 Learn, practice, and reflect with dynamic language notes (apps.apple.com)
16. The 2025 State of AI - 瞭解企業如何利用人工智能進行構建:新興模式與計劃 Learn how companies build with AI: Emerging patterns & plans (www.vellum.ai)
18. /extract by Firecrawl - 只需提示即可獲取結構化網絡數據 Get structured web data with just a prompt (www.firecrawl.dev)
20. Outrank - 關鍵詞研究和博客自動駕駛促進增長 Keyword Research and Blogging on Auto-Pilot for Growth (www.outrank.so)
21. Milestone Content Studio - 面向營銷團隊的人工智能自動化平臺 AI-Powered Automation Platform for Marketing Teams (www.aicontentstudio.ai)
23. AyeCreate - 用於內容創作、設計和個人照片的 SOTA AI SOTA AI for Content Creation, Design & Personal Photos (ayecreate.ai)
27. GetWebsite.Report 2.0 - AI Agent 可對您的網站進行搜索引擎優化和轉換審核。 AI Agent to audit your website for SEO & Conversion. (getwebsite.report)
29. F*ckSubscription - 流行 SaaS 工具的簡單、一次性支付替代方案。 Simple, one-time payment alternatives to popular SaaS tools. (www.fcksubscription.com)
33. Famefy - 在人工智能機器人的觀眾面前成為知名的直播者 Become a famous livestreamer to an audience of AI bots (apps.apple.com)
35. Sketch It! - 用 "素描它 "將藝術的羞恥轉化為名聲 Turn artistic shame into fame with Sketch It (main.d1nipvgfzey9jy.amplifyapp.com)
36. Send API by beehiiv - 直接從網站或內容管理系統製作和發送電子郵件 Craft and send emails directly from your website or CMS (www.beehiiv.com)
38. AIVLOG - 你的個人 AI 視頻編輯器,為你帶來精彩的視頻博客 Your personal AI video editor for stunning vlogs (myaivlog.com)
40. Captioner RedNote Express - 為 Red Note 視頻添加中文字幕的免費工具 A free tool to add Chinese subtitles to videos for Red Note (captioner.io)
41. Cursor Convo Export - 輕鬆保存和恢復光標 AI 聊天記錄 Effortlessly save & revive your Cursor AI chats (eekayonline.gumroad.com)
42. WindowKeys - 讓第三方鍵盤與窗口平鋪快捷鍵配合使用 Make 3rd party keyboards work with window-tiling shortcuts (www.apptorium.com)
43. Spotiguess - 使用 Spotify 帳戶創建任何 "猜歌 "遊戲 Create any ‘Guess The Song’ game using your Spotify account (spotiguess.com)
44. OpenLIT 2.0 - 人工智能工程和法律碩士數據的開源儀表板 Open source dashboard for AI engineering & LLM data (openlit.io)
45. Overseer AI - 利用簡單的自定義政策驅動 API 處理人工智能治理問題 Handle AI governance with a simple, custom-policy-driven API (www.producthunt.com)
46. Perspective - 通過透視和 3D 陰影改變 Figma 設計 Transforms Figma designs with perspectives and 3D shadows (www.producthunt.com)
48. Genlogin - 將重複性任務轉化為自動化工作流程 Turn repetitive tasks into automation workflows (www.producthunt.com)
50. Shoonya AI - 針對商業用途進行微調的專業基礎模型 Specialized foundation models fine-tuned for commerce use (www.producthunt.com)
52. Coinfella - 以美元申請付款,以加密貨幣獲得報酬! Request payments in USD & get paid in crypto! (www.producthunt.com)
53. Reddit Answers - 由 Reddit 社區提供的真人回答 Real answers from real people, powered by Reddit communities (www.producthunt.com)
54. Doctronic AI + Human Doctors - 用於視頻出診的人工智能醫生 The AI doctor for video visits (www.producthunt.com)
55. Llama 3.3 70B - 性能與 Llama 405B 不相上下,而成本僅為後者的一小部分 Llama 405B-level performance, at a fraction of the cost (www.producthunt.com)
56. Reflex Cloud - 用純 Python 語言構建網絡應用程序,只需一條命令即可完成部署 Build web apps in pure Python deploy with a single command (www.producthunt.com)
57. Amazon Haul - 亞馬遜對 Temu 的回應--難以置信的發現,2.99 美元起 Amazon''s answer to Temu — Unbelievable finds from 2.99 (www.producthunt.com)
58. From Spark to Startup - 週末就能啟動的創業點子 Startup ideas that you can launch over a weekend (www.producthunt.com)
60. insightIQ - 在 LinkedIn 上成功開展影響者營銷活動 Run Successful Influencer Campaigns on LinkedIn (www.producthunt.com)
61. Planyway for Jira 2.0 - 路線圖、能力、日曆、時間跟蹤和報告 Roadmap, capacity, calendar, time tracking & reports (www.producthunt.com)
63. Data Labeling Platform - 管理計算機視覺數據標籤 Manage your computer vision data labeling (www.producthunt.com)
67. Left - 用互動點將時間可視化--一個點,一個時刻 Visualizing time in interactive dots - one dot, one moment (apps.apple.com)
68. Eververse - 開源、集成人工智能的項目管理平臺 Open-source, AI-integrated project management platform (www.eververse.ai)
69. Raycast Focus - 屏蔽干擾應用程序和網站,保持暢通無阻 Stay in flow by blocking distracting apps and websites (www.raycast.com)
72. Doctor Droid - 使用人工智能從 Slack 故障排除並運行 k8s 命令 Troubleshoot & run k8s commands from Slack using AI (drdroid.io)
79. Clemta - 在一個地方經營您的業務:註冊、稅務、簿記! Run Your Business in One Place: Formation, Tax, Bookkeeping! (clemta.com)
80. Persana AI Sales and Voice Agents - 您的人工智能員工全天候為您創造收入 Your AI Powered Workers Driving Revenue 24/7 (persana.ai)
81. BrainrotAI - 利用 BrainrotAI 在幾秒鐘內創建病毒式內容 Create viral content in seconds with BrainrotAI (brainrotai.app)
82. Magic Inbox - 為企業安排會議的人工智能社交代理 AI social agents that set up meetings for your business (kalendar.ai)
86. Presenton: Data Presentations - 根據數據報告和儀表板圖像生成演示文稿 Generate presentation from data reports and dashboard images (presenton.ai)
88. DeepSeek for iOS - 由 DeepSeek-V3 提供支持的 Al 助手 Your Al assistant powered by DeepSeek-V3 (apps.apple.com)
89. Master of Pushups - 人工智能視覺應用程序,把你的手機變成俯臥撐訓練器! AI vision app that turns your phone into a pushup trainer! (apps.apple.com)
90. OSHIStamp - YouTube 視頻時間戳創建支持工具 YouTube video timestamp creation support tool (chromewebstore.google.com)
96. BlurData - 自動保護截圖和 PDF 文件中的敏感數據 Automatically protect sensitive data in screenshots and PDFs (blurdata.app)
101. First steps: GoGlobal Playbook - 全球擴張秘訣:48 位創始人的獨到見解 Global Expansion Secrets: Insights from 48 Founders (book.greatleads.ru)
103. 200+ ChatGPT Mega-Prompts for Sales - 利用強大的複製粘貼人工智能提示,在睡夢中賺錢 Make money in your sleep with powerful copy-paste AI prompts (www.godofprompt.ai)
107. Million Dollar Headlines 2.0 - 竊取盈利 100 萬美元以上網站的英雄部分 Steal the hero sections of websites making 1,000,000 (memesthatpay.com)
109. Kolors - 為創作者提供逼真的文字到圖像擴散模型 Photorealistic Text-to-Image Diffusion Model for Creators (github.com)
110. CleanMyMac Business - 為中小團隊提供 Mac 集中維護 Centralized Mac maintenance for small and medium teams (macpaw.com)
111. ClipZap - 世界上最好的個性化人工智能視頻創建器 The World''s Best AI Video Creator for Personalized Video (www.clipzap.ai)
113. NOCAGE - 初創企業交流:尋找聯合創始人、贈款和資金! Startup Networking: Find Co-Founders, Grants & Funding! (nocage.in)
117. Archero 2 - 傳奇roguelike手機遊戲的新時代 The new era of the legendary roguelike mobile game (apps.apple.com)
125. SmolAgents - 功能強大的人工智能代理,代碼最少,基於擁抱臉框架 Powerful AI agents, minimal code, on Hugging Face framework (smolagents.org)
126. 21st.dev - Github Pinterest 讓你的人工智能網站看起來更美 Github Pinterest to make your AI websites look beautiful (21st.dev)
129. Watch Duty - 獲取野火和滅火工作的實時警報 Get real-time alerts of wildfires and firefighting efforts (www.watchduty.org)
133. Notion Faces - 正式在 Notion 中展示您的定製自畫像 Bring your custom self-portrait in Notion, officially (faces.notion.com)
134. Free Media Hosting by ImageKit - 安全上傳圖片和視頻 即時共享鏈接 Securely upload images and videos Share links instantly (imagekit.io)
135. Humiris - Mixture of AI - 為精確的人工智能代理定製推理模型 Custom reasoning model for accurate AI agents (platform.humiris.ai)
137. Topview 2.0 Product Avatar - 完美固定和展示您的產品 Holding and Showcasing Your Products Perfectly (www.topview.ai)
139. Lessnoise.app - 將 GitHub 問題和 PR 轉化為 Slack 摘要 GitHub issues & PRs as Slack digests (www.lessnoise.app)
140. Space Karen - Chrome Extension - 用有趣的替代詞代替 "埃隆-馬斯克"! Replace mentions of "Elon Musk" with fun alternatives! (chromewebstore.google.com)
141. Sheepscript.AI - 將視頻/播客轉化為社交媒體和文章! Video/podcast into social media and articles! (www.sheepscript.ai)
142. Trellis AI - 讓代理群自動執行最繁瑣的手動 PDF 任務 Let swarm of agents automate your most manual PDF tasks (runtrellis.com)
146. Sagehood - 人工智能代理 360 度分析美國股市 AI Agents for a 360 Analysis of U.S Stock Market (landing.sagehood.ai)
148. Dot Copilot - 簡化生活,不干擾工作流程 Streamline your life without interrupting your workflow (dotcopilot.ai)
152. Liquify Pro - 利用Webflow和Github創建Shopify 2.0主題 Create Shopify 2.0 themes with Webflow and Github (www.liquify.pro)
155. Agents Base - 利用成群結隊的營銷代理自動發展任何品牌 Grow any brand on autopilot with swarms of marketing agents (www.agentsbase.ai)
156. Feedback flows - 僅需 30 秒即可收集用戶反饋並進行分析測量 Collect user feedback & measure analytics in just 30 seconds (feedback.plgos.com)
157. Your Interviewer - 在幾秒鐘內生成真實內容。 Generate authentic content in seconds. (www.yourinterviewer.com)
158. TestSprite 1.0 - 首個實現軟件測試全過程自動化的人工智能代理 First AI agent automating entire software testing process (www.testsprite.com)
159. socra - 具有情境感知能力的人工智能與您和您的團隊合作 Context-aware AI collaborating with you and your team (socra.com)
160. Project Ambience - 利用人工智能定製的氛圍混音完成深度工作 Get deep work done with AI-tailored ambience mixes (projectambience.com)
163. Sonauto v2 Beta - 根據提示、旋律或歌詞生成完整歌曲 Generate full songs with a prompts, melody, or lyrics (sonauto.ai)
164. ScreenTreat - 將 "屏幕時間 "轉化為孩子們的積極動力 Turn ScreenTime into positive motivation for kids (apps.apple.com)
165. Marketeam - 簡,您的新內容營銷和搜索引擎優化專家 Meet Jane, your new content marketing & SEO expert (www.marketeam.ai)
166. PackPack - Bookmark Manager for Mobile - 一鍵保存任何文章、社交媒體帖子和文件 1-click to save any articles, social media posts, files (packpack.ai)
169. Scratchboard.io - 創建、模擬和合作開發數字電路 Create, simulate, and collaborate on digital circuits (scratchboard.io)
170. Scrapeless - 面向企業和開發人員的輕鬆網絡抓取工具包 Effortless Web Scraping Toolkit for Businesses & Developers (www.scrapeless.com)
172. GitQuest - 承諾。獲得積分。征服排行榜。贏得獎品。 Commit. Gain points. Conquer the leaderboard. Win prizes. (gitquest.dev)
173. Swallow - 利用簡單易用的無代碼平臺構建複雜的定價功能 Build complex pricing with an easy to use no-code platform (www.swallow.app)
174. MenuBarGrid - 將 Google Sheets 轉化為 Mac 菜單欄應用程序 Transform Google Sheets into Mac Menu Bar Apps (apps.apple.com)
175. Add to Sheets Chrome Extension - 一鍵將任何網頁內容保存到 Google Sheets Save any web content to Google Sheets with one click (www.addtosheets.com)
176. AnyParser Pro - 將多語言圖像和文檔解析為 JSON/markdown 格式 Parse multi-language images and documents into JSON/markdown (www.cambioml.com)
178. sitelifter - 利用可操作的洞察力,更快地優化網站頁面。 Optimize website pages faster with actionable insights. (sitelifter.com)
179. UGCGenerator - 利用人工智能即時創建 UGC 視頻廣告 Create UGC video ads instantly with AI (www.ugcgenerator.com)
180. Charts Not Chapters - 可控制、可編輯的 AI 信息圖表生成器 Controllable and Editable AI Infographic Generator (www.chartsnotchapters.com)
181. Adventure Homestay - 在發展中國家尋找沉浸式文化寄宿家庭 Find cultural immersion homestays in developing countries (www.adventurehomestay.com)
185. InstaPhotoAI - 逼真的人工智能圖像和視頻生成器,即用即付 Realistic AI image & video generator with pay as you go (instaphotoai.com)
187. How's It Lookin' - 查看您的網站在社交媒體、文本等媒體上的顯示效果 See how your website looks on social media, texts, and more (www.howsitlookin.com)
188. Visionari - 利用 Visionari 收集反饋、確定優先次序並採取行動 Collect, prioritize, and act on feedback with Visionari (visionari.me)
189. That's Rank! - 以簡潔美觀的方式監控谷歌排名 Monitor Google rankings with beautiful simplicity (www.thatisrank.com)
192. Supascout - 分析應用商店評論,獲得可操作的見解 Analyze App Store reviews to gain actionable insights (www.supascout.cc)
193. Paul Graham Essay Tracker - 跟蹤閱讀 PG 作文的進度 Track your progress reading PG''s essays (pgessays.com)
194. GitDiagram - 將任何代碼庫即時可視化為交互式圖表 Instantly visualize any codebase as an interactive diagram (gitdiagram.com)
196. Dreamina - 一體化 AI 創意套件,滿足您的所有藝術創作需求 All-in-one AI creative suite for all your artistic work (dreamina.capcut.com)
197. King Typing - 在 3D 世界中通過實時新聞掌握打字技巧 Master typing in a 3D world with real time news (www.kingtyping.com)
198. Never Have Outdated Footer Dates Again - 一次一個腳踏板,讓世界更美好 Making the world a better place one footer at a time (getfullyear.com)
199. Cutmuse - 通過個性化視覺分析找到適合您的髮型 Find your hairstyle with a personalized visagism analysis (cutmuse.com)
200. Remtoloc - 只需點擊兩下,即可將數據庫和文件同步到 Mac Sync databases and files to your Mac with just two clicks (remtoloc.com)
204. Pie Menu - 只需一個快捷鍵,就能通過徑向菜單控制所有 Mac 應用程序 One shortcut to control all your Mac apps with a radial menu (www.pie-menu.com)
205. Dotomo - Intuitive AI Note Taker! - 明天提醒睡前筆記--直觀的人工智能筆記記錄器 Bedtime Notes Reminded Tomorrow - Intuitive AI Note Taker (www.dotomo.dev)
212. SelfieStory - 將自拍照變成完美對齊的生活延時攝影作品 Turn selfies into a perfectly aligned timelapse of your life (apps.apple.com)
213. GitPodcast - 生成引人入勝的播客,瞭解 Github repo Generate engaging podcast to understand a Github repo (www.gitpodcast.com)
215. Quick Mock - 立即將 LinkedIn 上的任何職位變成模擬面試 Turn any job on LinkedIn into a mock interview instantly (chromewebstore.google.com)
216. Github Resume Generator - 將 GitHub 活動轉換為簡歷(並下載) Convert your GitHub activity to a resume (and download it) (resume-github.vercel.app)
217. AppStorys - 在應用程序或網站中整合故事和其他增長工具 Integrate stories & other growth tools in App or website (appstorys.com)
218. Web Remote Terminal - 直接從瀏覽器進行簡單、安全的遠程終端操作 Simple, secure remote terminal straight from your browser (rstream.io)
222. Instant3d.ai - 為 Blender/Unity 生成 3D 資產的 Copilot Copilot for generating 3d assets for Blender/Unity (www.instant3d.ai)
225. Monkt - 將文件和網頁轉化為可用於 AI 的 Markdown 或 JSON 格式 Transform files and web pages into AI-ready Markdown or JSON (monkt.com)
227. Erayaha.AI - MS Word / 谷歌文檔中更智能的合同審查和見解 Smarter Contract Reviews & Insights in MS Word / Google Docs (www.erayaha.ai)
232. FirstVersion - 用人工智能重建偉大產品的最初版本 Rebuilding the first versions of great products with AI (firstversion.trickle.so)
233. synth.stream - 匯聚流行合成器新聞的美麗天地 Aggregating popular synth news all-in-one beautiful place (synth.stream)
238. FindViral - 利用人工智能查找病毒式 TikTok 視頻並促進增長 Find viral TikTok videos and boost your growth with AI (www.findviral.ai)
240. Releaseify - 輕鬆創建和共享吸引眼球的新聞稿 Easily create and share eye-grabbing press releases (releaseify.com)
242. ViralSort - 發現 Instagram 上對你的競爭對手有用的內容 Discover Instagram content that worked for your competitors (www.viralsort.com)
244. StoryLegend - 更聰明地寫作,更快速地創作,在幾天內完成您的故事 Write smarter and create faster, complete your story in days (storylegend.app)
245. Neuradocs - 自動運行 Slack 和 Discord 頻道 Run your Slack and Discord channels on autopilot (getneuradocs.com)
251. devpilot - 發現擅長技能而非簡歷的開發人員 Discover developers who excel with skills, not résumés (devpilot.dev)
252. Shutout - 鎖定自己的屏幕時間,停止末日滾動。 Lock yourself out of Screen Time & stop doomscrolling. (www.shutout.app)
253. DataBackfill - 將您的歷史 GA4 數據回填至 BigQuery Backfill your historical GA4 data to BigQuery (databackfill.com)
255. UnderlayX - 在圖片背後放置形狀、文字和發光效果 Place shapes, text, and glowing effects behind your images (www.underlayx.com)
258. Ghostty - 快速、功能豐富、平臺原生的終端模擬器 A fast, feature-rich, and platform-native terminal emulator (ghostty.org)
259. Arkestra - 創建、連接和執行實時視頻(macOS) Create, connect and perform realtime video (macOS) (www.arkestra.app)
262. Block Convey Drive - 利用人工智能助理確保分散式存儲的安全 Secure decentralized storage with AI Assistant (drive.blockconvey.com)
263. QuillFlow - 幾分鐘內生成數百份個性化文檔 Generate hundreds of personalized documents in minutes (quillflow.app)
266. Presentation Mode for Notion - 將空白頁面變成流暢滑動的演示文稿 Turn notion pages into smoothly sliding presentations (chromewebstore.google.com)
269. Magnify - Your Rewards Companion - 管理酒店、航空公司和信用卡的獎勵 Manage your rewards across hotels, airlines, and cards (magnify.club)
270. ClipBook - 一款以鍵盤為中心的 Mac 剪貼板歷史記錄應用程序 A keyboard-centric clipboard history app for your Mac (clipbook.app)
272. PopShort.Al - 在幾分鐘內將您的靈感轉化為引人入勝的短片 Turn your inspiration into engaging short films in minutes (popshort.ai)
275. Secret Santa Gifting Network - 全球秘密聖誕老人禮物交換 A global secret Santa gift exchange (www.your-secret-santa.com)
277. 2024 Code Wrapped - 您的 2024 年代碼與成長季 Your 2024 season of code and growth (wrappedcode.vercel.app)
279. LegalCheckPro - 將法律文件轉化為簡單明瞭的摘要 Turn legal documents into simple, clear summaries (www.legalcheckpro.com)
280. Text to Santa Videos by Gan.AI - 輸入信息,獲取聖誕老人的視頻 Type a message, and get a video from Santa (gan.ai)
281. Tutor LMS 3.0 - 一體化 WordPress LMS - 無附加組件,只求卓越! All-in-One WordPress LMS – No Add-Ons, Just Excellence! (tutorlms.com)
282. EasyLang AI - 通過人工智能,以有趣、輕鬆、個性化的方式學習任何語言。 Learn any language with AI in a fun, easy, personalized way. (mylens.ai)
285. ChatGPT Saved Chats - 在 ChatGPT 中保存並整理最重要的對話 Save & organize your most important conversations in ChatGPT (chromewebstore.google.com)
286. Mappie AI (Beta) - 由人工智能驅動的史詩--功能--故事創作只需幾秒鐘 AI-powered epic -- feature -- story creation in seconds (www.mappie.ai)
287. AI xmas movie generator - 按需生成糟糕的聖誕電影 Generate terrible Christmas movies on demand (xmas.piclooks.com)
289. Assistive24 - 為殘疾人免費提供輔助技術 Free assistive technology for individuals with disabilities (www.assistive24.com)
294. BooleanMaths Pulse - 用於用戶旅程和歸因的超級像素。 Super Pixel for user journeys and attribution. (booleanmaths.com)
296. Edexia - 用於批改試卷的人工智能助教,真正發揮作用 AI Teaching Assistant for grading papers that actually works (www.edexia.ai)
297. Bright OS - 膳食記錄 圖像掃描 睡眠追蹤等功能 Meal logging image scanning sleep tracking & more (apps.apple.com)
299. GitHub Wrapped 2024 – Your Year in Code! - 你的 GitHub 之旅與個性化代碼年 Your GitHub journey with a personalized year in code (githubwrapped.xyz)